Knight of Erin, Episode 1 Raw

Knight of Erin, Episode 1 Raw

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Knight of Erin

#1. 傭兵エリンの旅立ちと, 秘密のバニーガール / The Mercenary Erin`s Embarking on a Trip, and Secret Bunny Girl

Knight of Erin, Episode 1 Raw

Her name is Erin.
Together with the sword spirit Nighthawk, she travels the world fighting as a mercenary.
One day, when she touches a strange object in the castle treasury, Nighthawk’s magic power is stolen.
Erin escapes by honey-trapping the castle soldiers.
However, the Hawk’s magical power remains lost.
Guided by Tomcat, the spirit of the shield that appeared before them, Erin decided to visit shrines in various places to regain Hawk’s magical power.
Thus began the adventures of Erin and her friends.
They squeezed magical power from goblins, were milked by mothers at the shrine trials, and worked part-time as bunnies for money.
Erin and Nighthawk’s naughty adventures begin.
I do it for a purpose,” she says. I don’t do it for the love of it.
Sex = Experience?
A woman’s weapon is her erotic body.
Sex makes you stronger!

Knight of Erin, Episode 1 Raw

Knight of Erin, Knight of Erin -Erin and Nighthawk-, 나이트 오브 에린

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