Toshi Densetsu, Episode 4 Raw

Toshi Densetsu, Episode 4 Raw

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都市伝説シリーズ / Toshi Densetsu

#4. メリーちゃんの電話 / Mary-chan no Denwa / Call from Mary-chan

Toshi Densetsu, Episode 4 Raw

Mary-chan… When you enter a certain phone number, you will be connected to her, and appear in front of the caller.
What she reaps is not the life of the owner of the phone, but a virgin, and it seems that she can enjoy her first experience with all kinds of sexual techniques…
Hitsuji is skeptical about such an urban legend, but calls him.
The phone is connected and she says in a cute girl’s voice that she will go to him immediately and the call ends there.
Hitsuji felt a sense of exhilaration when the phone was connected.
However, before her excitement cools down, she receives a call and says that she is right behind him.
She turned around in a panic and saw a blonde girl in a doll-like dress standing there.

Toshi Densetsu, Episode 4 Raw

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