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スカートの中はケダモノでした. / Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita.
#3. どう? 俺のホントの姿 / Dou? Ore no Honto no Sugata / How About My True Self?
Shizuka has been constantly thrown around by Ryo, and decides to tell him to not get involved with her anymore. However, when she goes to meet him, Ryo appears not in women’s clothing, but in his natural “male” appearance. In a panic, Shizuka is swept away by Ryo and taken somewhere.
スカートの中はケダモノでした., Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita., 裙子里面是野兽, 스커트의 안은 짐승이었습니다, A Wolf in Women`s Clothing, Зверь под юбкой