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スカートの中はケダモノでした. / Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita.
#1. ごめんね, 我慢できなくなっちゃった / Gomen ne, Gaman Dekinakunacchatta / Sorry, I Couldn’t Resist
University student Shizuka is invited by her friends to attend a matchmaking party. Feeling out of place, Shizuka is approached by a beautiful older woman named Ryo. They leave the venue together and start to get along, but suddenly Shizuka is kissed and pushed down. Moreover, there is a sensation that is not typical of a girl’s body… Could it be that Ryo is a crossdresser…!?
スカートの中はケダモノでした., Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita., 裙子里面是野兽, 스커트의 안은 짐승이었습니다, A Wolf in Women`s Clothing, Зверь под юбкой