Shuudengo, Capsule Hotel de, Joushi ni Binetsu Tsutawaru Yoru., Episode 9 Raw

Shuudengo, Capsule Hotel de, Joushi ni Binetsu Tsutawaru Yoru., Episode 9 Raw

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終電後, カプセルホテルで, 上司に微熱伝わる夜 / Shuudengo, Capsule Hotel de, Joushi ni Binetsu Tsutawaru Yoru

#9. 路地裏, おしおきに, 秘めたジェラシー. / Roji Ura, Oshioki ni, Himeta Jealousy.

Shuudengo, Capsule Hotel de, Joushi ni Binetsu Tsutawaru Yoru., Episode 9 Raw

Minori rushed out of the studio after clashing with Hatano about her costume, and it was Kei who called out to her.
Minori was dragged by the fact that her design was rejected, but she regained her motivation after hearing Kei’s clumsy words about her feelings.
She returns to the studio and Minori apologizes to Hatano obediently. However, Hatano has a complicated expression on Minori’s face as she tells Minori about her attitude towards her work, which she learned from Kei.
Then, Hatano says, “It’s punishment for skipping work today…” and takes him to a back alley where he forcibly kisses her.
As if to suppress her hidden feelings, she is demanded violently as it is.

Shuudengo, Capsule Hotel de, Joushi ni Binetsu Tsutawaru Yoru., Episode 9 Raw

Capsule Hotel de, Joushi ni Binetsu Tsutawaru Yoru., Shuudengo, カプセルホテルで, 上司に微熱伝わる夜., 終電後, 막차가 끊긴 뒤, 캡슐 호텔에서 상사에게 미열을 전하는 밤

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