Shuudengo, Capsule Hotel de, Joushi ni Binetsu Tsutawaru Yoru., Episode 10 English Subbed

Shuudengo, Capsule Hotel de, Joushi ni Binetsu Tsutawaru Yoru., Episode 10 English Subbed

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終電後, カプセルホテルで, 上司に微熱伝わる夜 / Shuudengo, Capsule Hotel de, Joushi ni Binetsu Tsutawaru Yoru

#10. 汗だくで, 真夏の熱情, 溶け合うオフィス. / Asedaku de, Manatsu no Netsujou, Tokeau Office.

Shuudengo, Capsule Hotel de, Joushi ni Binetsu Tsutawaru Yoru., Episode 10 English Subbed

The office is in a steam bath because the air conditioner broke down on a hot day.
The employees were sent home, and Hatano tried to repair the air conditioner by himself.
Minori comes to help, but is knocked down by Hatano, who loses her balance from the stepladder.
When they look at each other, Hatano overflows with uneasiness that they couldn’t convey because they passed each other.
Minori’s unexpectedly honest words made her smile, saying, “I feel like you’ve shown me your weaknesses… I’m happy.”
Then, Hatano, who can’t control his overflowing emotions, hugs Minori and meets in the office, drenched in sweat.

Shuudengo, Capsule Hotel de, Joushi ni Binetsu Tsutawaru Yoru., Episode 10 English Subbed

Capsule Hotel de, Joushi ni Binetsu Tsutawaru Yoru., Shuudengo, カプセルホテルで, 上司に微熱伝わる夜., 終電後, 막차가 끊긴 뒤, 캡슐 호텔에서 상사에게 미열을 전하는 밤

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