Konbini Shoujo Z, Episode 1 PV

Konbini Shoujo Z, Episode 1 PV

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コンビニ少女Z / Konbini Shoujo Z

#1. あなた, 地下アイドルですよね. 社長に万引きがバレていいんですか? / You’re an underground idol, right? Is it okay for the president to shoplift?

Konbini Shoujo Z, Episode 1 PV

A shoplifting demon with a righteous iron mallet.
Convenience store transforms into a condemnation box garden …
The stores it manages have been asking for the infamy of being one of the top three shoplifting rates in Japan.
After being blamed by the headquarters, “I” finally turns to retaliation for shoplifting demons ….
Store manager “I will be the one who harms the perpetrator”
The prey this time is an underground idol, Zenmyo Tsutsumi Mei.
Place traps, seize weaknesses, and chase down.
1. If you come to the store, we will support the cash register. First of all, you should increase the chances of visiting the store. Use casual communication to get rid of your alertness and increase your purchasing motivation.
2, grasp the customer’s preference. Induce conversations and find out what products you want.
3, purchase of products. We have the items that customers want to pick up. Display it on the product shelves.
4, Now, set the surveillance camera. Prepare to control the shoplifting site prior to the target’s visit.
5, secure, and cross-examination ──. Catch your luggage and touch your body to recover the stolen goods. Peel off clothes one by one, and …
Manager “Gather evidence, eliminate all emotions, judge with my law and iron ingots. That is my justice and Providence.”

Konbini Shoujo Z, Episode 1 PV

Konbini Shoujo Z, コンビニ少女Z, コンビニ○○Z, 편의점 소녀Z

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