Kiss Hug, Episode 2 English Subbed

Kiss Hug, Episode 2 English Subbed

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Kiss Hug / キスハグ

#2. サセ男の瀬尾くん / しおふき管理人真人くん / Sase man Seo-kun / Shiofuki manager Masato-kun

Kiss Hug, Episode 2 English Subbed

Seo-kun, the Sase-man.
Seo, who has always been shy and not good at joining a circle of people, learned the importance of friends when he met “Yui” and “Megu”.
When Seo confessed to them that he had never had friends or girlfriends in the past, Yui and Megu took Seo’s first kiss and virginity.
From there, their antics became more and more serious day by day, and eventually they became the sex workers for a large group of girls.
But the three of them are still friends.

“Masato,” the caretaker of the “Shiofuki.
Minori, a childhood friend of Masato’s, suddenly asks him to help her have sex by herself because she can’t get along with touching herself.
At first, he was happy to be able to touch Minori’s body, but then his presence began to feel distant.
So, Masato decides to manage Minori’s desire by rushing her and managing her shibefuki.
A week later, there was a completely female Minori on the verge of a collapse of reason.

Kiss Hug, Episode 2 English Subbed

Kiss Hug, キスハグ, 키스허그

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