Kanpeki Ojou-sama no Watakushi ga Dogeza de Maso Ochi Suru Choroin na Wakenai Desu wa!, Episode 4 PV

Kanpeki Ojou-sama no Watakushi ga Dogeza de Maso Ochi Suru Choroin na Wakenai Desu wa!, Episode 4 PV

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完璧お嬢様の私が土下座でマゾ堕ちするちょろインなワケないですわ! / Kanpeki Ojou-sama no Watakushi ga Dogeza de Mazo Ochisuru Choroin na Wakenai Desu wa!

#4. 緊縛ドMお嬢様・イリナ~ボテ腹恥じらう牝隷奴♥~ / Bound Butler Celestine: Voluntary Suspended Whipping Reprimand

Kanpeki Ojou-sama no Watakushi ga Dogeza de Maso Ochi Suru Choroin na Wakenai Desu wa!, Episode 4 PV

The Shirogin Konzern, an immensely powerful company.
Irina is the daughter and heir to the family.
As the heir apparent, she has pursued perfection in everything she does, and reigns over the school as its president, an absolute presence to which everyone aspires.
On the other hand, she is also a masochistic bitch who is always performing her masochistic services on Yuji Sado, whom she has recognized as a partner for her to fuck….
Yuji, who is the butler and bodyguard of Irina, is disciplined by the “hanging” punishment for Celestine’s unexpected blunder.
Irina-sama is begging for discipline and herself is punished by being hanged.
The nonstop discipline makes Yuji a master. ……
Standing in front of master Yuji are Irina and Celestine, who rub his plump and swollen belly and look at him with a tender face. ……

Kanpeki Ojou-sama no Watakushi ga Dogeza de Maso Ochi Suru Choroin na Wakenai Desu wa!, Episode 4 PV

Kanpeki Irina Ojou-sama, Kanpeki Ojousama no Watakushi ga Dogeza de Mazo Ochisuru Choroin na Wakenai desu wa!, There`s No Way That A Perfect Lady Like Me Will Easily Kneel Down And Degrade Myself Into A Mere Masochist!, как я, ни за что не опустится на колени и не превратится в мазохистку!, Такая идеальная леди, 完璧イリナお嬢様, 完璧お嬢様の私が土下座でマゾ堕ちするちょろインなワケないですわ!, 완벽한 아가씨

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