Natural Vacation The Animation
Natural Vacation The Animation, Episode 1 Spanish Subbed
Main Title: Natural Vacation The Animation
Official Title: なちゅらるばけーしょん The Animation
Synonym: 내추럴 베케이션
Type: OVA
Year: 21.12.2018
Season: Winter 2018/19
Original Work: Hibiki Works
Direction: Raika Ken
Character Design: Suzuki Takato
Animation Work: T-Rex
Surprised this hasn’t gotten more views/attention. For a hentai the art is great and the story is fairly sweet and nice. The story in this follows two couples that fall in love, the first one want to move away to learn to cook and want to share their cooking. While the other one wants to stay in the small town and raise a normal family. Both situations feel realistic and pretty pure, which is a nice difference from the large amount of hentai that lacks one if not both of those.
The art is also really good with pretty good animation. The scenes flow pretty smoothly while the girls remain in good quality. It’s not great compared to blockbuster animes with huge budgets, but for hentai it stands above a lot of what is coming out lately.
Overall I really enjoyed it and people that are into vanilla hentai will also enjoy this one, but for those that have more extreme tastes this may be to tame and “boring” for you.