Boku to Joi no Shinsatsu Nisshi The Animation
Boku to Joi no Shinsatsu Nisshi The Animation, Episode 1 Spanish Subbed
Main Title: Boku to Joi no Shinsatsu Nisshi The Animation
Official Title: ボクと彼女[女医]の診察日誌 THE ANIMATION
Official Title: 나와 그녀(여의사)의 진찰일지
Synonym: ボクと彼女の診察日誌 THE ANIMATION
Type: OVA
Year: 20.12.2019
Season: Winter 2019/20
Original Work: Prekano
Direction: Oota Hideta
Character Design: Matsu Jun
Music: Kanayama Noboru, Kotohira Takumu
Animation Work: Studio 1st
Takuya recently graduated from the medical Academy and began working as an Intern at the clinic. His mentor has become Re-Chan, that our hero believed example first-class doctor. Takuya tried to become like her or even better her, but she was always a few steps ahead. Soon their idyll interfere with childhood friend Mio-Chan and the life of This Coon is a real challenge…
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