Aku no Onna Kanbu: Full Moon Night Returns
Aku no Onna Kanbu: Full Moon Night Returns, Episode 2 English Subbed
Main Title: Aku no Onna Kanbu: Full Moon Night Returns
Official Title: 悪の女幹部フルムーンナイトR[リターンズ]
Official Title: 악의 여간부 Full Moon Night
Synonym: Evil Woman Executive: Full Moon Night R, Evil Woman Executive: Full Moon Night Returns, 悪の女幹部フルムーンナイトリターンズ, 악의 여간부: 보름달이 뜬 날 리턴즈
Type: OVA, 2 episodes
Year: 02.10.2020 until 06.11.2020
Season: Autumn 2020
The main character of the story Kazuma-kun – an ordinary Japanese boy who hides an incredible power that can save all of humanity. He simply extracts magic power from women during their orgasms and uses it to subdue other girls and so on in a circle. Subjected to his power, the girls become dependent on Katsumi-kun and do not dare to resist his will. In the New OVA, the main character, in addition to conquering the next beauties, finally decides to deal with his bosses from silver Star…