Sakusei Byoutou The Animation
Sakusei Byoutou The Animation, Episode 8 Raw
Main Title: Sakusei Byoutou The Animation
Official Title: 搾精病棟 THE ANIMATION
Synonym: 착정병동 THE ANIMATION
Type: OVA, unknown number of episodes
Year: 30.04.2021 until ?
Season: Spring 2021
Original Work: Sakusei Kenkyuujo
Direction: Araki Hideki
Character Design: Araki Hideki
Animation Work: Seven
The main character of hentai, an ordinary boy Yamada, was hospitalized with a fracture of both hands. He was also diagnosed with a certain “chronic disease” associated with pain in the testicles. To relieve the pain, he must ejaculate at least once every three hours, but the patient’s broken arms put the hospital staff in a difficult position. For his “treatment” and supervision, a specially trained staff of nurses was allocated. Tachibana-San was the first of his personal nurse for the service member…