Mesudachi The Animation
Mesudachi The Animation, Episode 1 Raw
Main Title: Mesudachi The Animation
Official Title: メスダチ The Animation
Type: OVA, unknown number of episodes
Year: 25.11.2022 until ?
Season: Autumn 2022
Mesudachi is a hentai anime OVA based on the original work of Z-Ton, shot by Showten Studio in 2022. Earlier in 2017, another work of the author “Z-ton Jingai Animation A Beautiful Greed Nulu Nulu” was filmed / Insatiable Charm.”
Mesudachi tells the story of two childhood friends who live in a village with very few inhabitants. Satsuki, a sociable and not very feminine girl, has been close to the main character since childhood.
One day, coming to visit him, she finds several pornographic magazines there. After that, she wants to do the debauchery that she spied in the magazine, but the main character tries to avoid her. When her little femininity is trampled, she decides to seduce him by provoking him in the most perverse ways that even her friend would not be able to ignore, and in the end they still have sex.
Mesudachi EX originates a month after everything that happened in Mesudachi.
Childhood friends have become close and now have sex everywhere. This time they decided to do it at school, but they were discovered by the president of the school board, who did not stop them, but waited until they finished and dispersed. As soon as the couple is separated, the main character is knocked out with a stun gun. After some time, he wakes up tied up on the floor, and then is raped by the president, who is in a state of yandere.