Jitensha De Kita!! Motion Comic Version

Jitensha De Kita!! Motion Comic Version

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自転車で来た!! モーションコミック版 / Jitensha De Kita!! Motion Comic Version

Jitensha De Kita!! Motion Comic Version

“Today I’m going somewhere far away!”
Hina is a lively girl who skips school and races into town on her bike.
She proudly sends photos she took in the city to her friends, and in high spirits heads to the convenience store to buy a drink.
However, in the blink of an eye, her bike gets stolen…
As Hina stands there, at a loss and without money to get on the train, two kind-hearted men approach her.
“What’s been going on for a while now?
…I see…Your bike got stolen and you don’t have any money to get home”
“Well, if you don’t mind, I have a good part-time job for you…”
We were just looking for a really cute girl like you
“You’re so cute…”
“It’s like being a reader model…it’s a job where you take photos and little videos”
And then Hina was taken to a hotel for a photo shoot…

Jitensha De Kita!! Motion Comic Version

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